Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Carlisle Eden Mind is committed to challenging discrimination, promoting social inclusion, and ensuring equality of opportunity for all.

We value the diversity of the communities we serve and strive to reflect this in our workforce, volunteers, and service users. We recognise that inequality and discrimination can have a profound impact on mental health, making it harder for individuals to access the support they need.

Our Commitment to EDI

  • We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected—whether as a service user, volunteer, or staff member.
  • We will continue to challenge inequity in mental health support, ensuring fair access and positive experiences for all.
  • We are committed to developing our policies, recruitment practices, and training to attract and retain a diverse workforce and volunteer base.
  • We will listen, learn, and adapt, using evidence to inform our work and ensure our services meet the needs of our diverse community.
  • Our services will be co-designed and developed in collaboration with those with lived experience to reflect the communities we support.

Useful EDI Resources

Obtain a copy of our EDI Policy

If you would like a copy of our EDI policy, please contact us.

Because everyone deserves to be represented and heard.
