You in Mind

You In Mind is a new service that gives you the opportunity to talk openly about the issues that are affecting you.
We are a free and confidential service to anyone in Carlisle and Eden.

We are committed to raising awareness of alternatives to crisis and working together with our clients to make positive changes and ensure healthy outcomes.

We help to provide a holistic service to people in order that they get their needs met and find strategies to better manage their mental health.

You in Mind is a service for anyone who is concerned about their mental health and finds themselves in crisis.
We believe that anyone in crisis deserves to be treated fairly and with respect.
Every referred person will have a safe, calm environment to meet with a You in Mind support worker in one to one session/s.

Making a referral

To make a referral to You in Mind please can you download and complete a referral form and then send it to or ring 01228-370633.

Are you concerned about your mental health?

Are you feeling like you are in crisis?

Call: 01228-370633


You Are Not Alone