Tara M from our team has been telling us about what she’s been doing for her own self-care during these challenging times.
‘First is a picture of a Rainbow blanket I have made for my Grandson, I miss him terribly but feel thankful we can talk on webcam, the fact he has both his Mammy and Daddy at home right now giving him their full attention, will only enhance his development.
The second photo is a picture of a cow I painted, I think it is important to be creative during lock down, that could be painting, drawing, writing, journaling, it doesn’t have to be perfect, art is subjective, there is no right or wrong.
The third picture is my feet in the dirt, for me, keeping grounded and feeling the earth beneath my feet whereever possible helps my mental health, given at the moment, this is in my back yard, I still think being in touch with mother earth and feeling like a part of the universe helps me.
I know getting dressed when I’m working from home helps, but I also think it is really important to embrace this time that we have at home, to relax, be comfortable and do all those things we haven’t had a chance to do, and may never get such an opportunity to do again, like extra pj days, lie ins, cosying up in front of the fire and learning to just be.
I have also included a photo of my granny, this was taken in 1976, I think it is very normal for us to wonder what our friends and relatives who are no longer alive would think of this situation, what advice would they give us? I have spent time reminiscing, going through photographs and staying in touch with my family, through social media, phone and mail.
This is very important for my sense of self, remembering what generations before us have endured and how we have ancestors that have survived catastrophic conditions since the dawn of time. That is how we are here today, every generation we have had family who have survived, or we wouldn’t be here, so if they can do it. So can we.
I have made a plan of what I want to do when this ends, where I want to go, what is important to me. One day this will end and we will have a renewed sense of normality, new goals, new aspirations, what is important, and what we can live without.’